About Mlomotsha School Of Excellence

Reason why the school was build

In 2014 the villagers of Mlomoliwoto, Tshalimbe and other surrounding villages came together and agreed to build a secondary school for their children. They were led by Mr. Cecil Sibanda, a USA-based villager.

The primary goal was to solve the problem of the distance travelled by students to the closest secondary school. The journey was tiresome and dangerous. It was affecting academic performance.

The other reason the school was to build a school that provides high quality education. Most rural areas in Zimbabwe are impoverished. The parents are not able to adequately fund the school leading to poor performance. Mlomotsha has a different funding model. The school engages in various income generating projects to fund the school. The school has also been able to develop a wide network of individuals and organizations that provide support.

The Mlomotsha Graduate

The Attributes Of A Mlomotsha Graduate


  • values and demonstrates life-long learning including skills of problem solving, problem posing, critical thinking, and cooperation.
  • exhibits competency in the basic skills and knowledge of the academic disciplines.
  • communicates effectively through speaking and writing.
  • uses, recognizes, and appreciates creativity and artistic expression.
  • incorporates available technology appropriately.



  • embraces a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • exhibits a growing life of discipleship.
  • practices spiritual disciplines.
  • discovers, defines, and develops her/his God-given gifts.
  • cultivates a Christian worldview.
  • articulates his/her beliefs, values, and convictions clearly.
  • accepts the scriptures as the Word of God and as the fully reliable and trustworthy standard for Christian faith and life.


  • practices stewardship of all that God has entrusted to her/him.
  • Manifest ubuntu values is all spheres of life.
  • thinks and operates with a global perspective.
  • promotes forgiveness, understanding, reconciliation, and non-violent resolution of conflict.
  • participates in congregational/church life.
  • respects diversity.
  • models servanthood by participating in service opportunities.
  • practices wellness of mind and body.
  • values God’s Word, people, and creation.
  • understands and applies digital citizenship.

Why Choose MSE

We have affordable fees and comfortable boarding facilities for our learners.

We offer most traditional subjects including Pure Sciences, Ndebele and Shona.

We offer vocational subjects that prepare students for Hexco and City Guilds, and other certifications such as coding.

We offer vocational subjects that prepare students for Hexco and City Guilds, and other certifications such as software development.