The History of

Founder's Welcome

I would like to welcome you to Mlomotsha School of Excellence website. 

Quality education has increasingly become elusive for most families in Zimbabwe. It looks like only those with deep pockets can purchase quality education. At Mlomotsha we believe in equity and equality. Quality education should not be denied to any child based on the uncontrollable circumstance of that child’s birth.

 We will do everything in power to offer high quality education that is affordable to the disadvantaged children.

 Welcome to our Mlomotsha School of Excellence Website! We hope you will find the information you’re looking for on this page. We are also very active on Facebook page and more recently on Twitter

The Vision Realised

The History Of Mlomotsha

Mlomotsha was founded in 2014 by Cecil Sibanda. Originally it was formed to provide secondary education to the children of the village of Mlomoliwoto and Thsalimbe. The name Mlomotsha is a creative fusion of the village names ( Mlomo- from Mlomoliwoto, Tsha from Tshalimbe.)

When Cecil was growing up in Tshalimbe he had to walk 10 kilometers to the closest school. The challenges he encountered in his pursuit for education inspired him to found Mlomotsha.

The inaugural class began in January 2022 with 40 students.

Photo Gallery

Why Choose MSE

We have affordable fees and comfortable boarding facilities for our learners.

We offer most traditional subjects including Pure Sciences, Ndebele and Shona.

We offer vocational subjects that prepare students for Hexco and City Guilds, and other certifications such as coding.

We offer vocational subjects that prepare students for Hexco and City Guilds, and other certifications such as software development.